Chair: David Smith, Buglife
Link: Lisa Manning, Policy Officer
Our May 2024 report, Stemming the flood of invasive non-native species in the UK calls on Government to increase the budget for invasive species biosecurity to £6 million per year to fund greater specialist capacity, strategic control and a dedicated inspectorate for invasive species and the management efforts of Local Action Groups. We estimate that this additional investment would save the UK economy £2.5 billion by 2040 – a return on investment of £21 for every £1 spent.
The story was covered in a number of media outlets including BBC, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, The Times and The Metro.
This report built on the work from 2022 report Prevention is Better than Cure: A Diagnosis on the state of UK Invasive Species Biosecurity.
In January 2024, the group sent a letter to Sir Robbie Douglas Miller welcoming him to the role of Biosecurity Minister and introducing our priorities.
In June 2022, the group submitted comments on the draft refreshed GB INNS Strategy 2022-2030. We made several recommendations for how the draft strategy could be strengthened, including ensuring that all targets throughout the strategy are SMART, broadening the scope of the strategy to incorporate all invasive non-native species and pathways, and a stronger focus on prevention within the strategy.
In March 2022, the group shared feedback on the Comprehensive Review of Species of Special Concern. We set out the importance of taking a precautionary approach, and urged that none of the species currently listed should be removed. The group also submitted a response to the consultation 'UK Biological Security Strategy: call for evidence'. This sets out the need for a greater recognition of INNS within the scope of the Biological Security Strategy, and a greater focus on the prevention of invasive non-native species from arriving and establishing in the UK.
In January 2022, the group submitted a response to the consultation 'A Plant Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain'. We set out recommendations for stronger, more effective plant biosecurity - including the need for a dedicated INNS inspectorate - and the need to reduce our reliance on imports of plant and tree material. Building capacity and support for a domestic industry, complemented by increased use of natural regeneration of native trees and diverse, locally sourced, native planting stock, is crucial to reducing risk from this pathway.
In March 2021, the group worked alongside Link's Animal Welfare group to respond to the EFRA Inquiry into Moving Animals Across Borders, highlighting the need for increased capacity and resources to identify and inspect invasive species.
For further information, contact Lisa Manning, Link’s Policy Officer.
Last updated: November 2024
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