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Nature and Wellbeing

The Nature and Wellbeing Strategy Group works to integrate the nature and people agenda, as we know people are critical to nature's future and nature is critical to people's future.

Co-Chair: Dom Higgins, The Wildlife Trusts

Co-Chair: Kate Conto, the Ramblers

Link: Lauren Moore, Policy Officer

Update from the Group:

The Nature and Wellbeing Strategy Group works to make the case for, and take opportunities to progress through policy changes, the nature and people agenda.

The Group has produced a statement on the importance of nature to people and of people to nature. We will build on that momentum and use our collective expertise and influence to affect tangible policy changes that benefit people and nature. In particular, the Group is advocating for a new human right to a healthy natural environment for all people, and expanding people's rights and opportunities to access and engage with nature, through a variety of means.

Most recently, the Group submitted evidence to an EFRA Committee inquiry on urban green spaces and evidence to a LUHC Committee inquiry on children and young people and the built environment.

The Group welcomes the Government's commitment in the EIP23 for all people to have access to a green or blue space within a 15 minute walk of home. Link published a briefing on what policies and spending are needed to deliver this target here.

Most recently, the Group published a briefing on how to embed public access into Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes - read more here.

For further information, contact Lauren Moore, Policy Officer at Link.

Last updated: 23 August 2024

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Membership of Wildlife and Countryside Link is open to national and international voluntary or other non-profit organisations based in England. Member organisations must be able to demonstrate an interest in furthering the work of Link, and their aims must include the protection of wildlife, landscape and the quiet enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside. Individual members of the public are not eligible to join Link, but may be interested in joining one of Link's member organisations.