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Resources and Waste

Link’s Resources and Waste Working Group seeks to reduce pollution of plastic, chemicals and other materials in the natural environment by advocating for a reduction and where necessary, elimination of their production.

Chair: Paula Chin, WWF
Link: Cassie Rist, Senior Policy Officer

Updates from the Group

The Resources and Waste Group advocates for a reduction in the use of resources to change our throw-away society and reduce the damage to our environment, from source to sea. The Group’s overarching message is that current models of consumption are unsustainable and that Government action is needed to deliver a more circular economy.

Recently, the R&W Group have published A Circular Economy Road map which sets out three clear recommendations to kick start a circular economy and analysis' of the policies needed across each sector to begin to affect change. This followed our briefing outlining 10 Key Resources and Waste Asks for the New Government.

The R&W Group responded to the Government consultation and call for evidence on reforming the producer responsibility system for waste electronics and electrical equipment. We called for a greater focus on upstream measures which will prevent WEEE in the first place, as well as greater powers for local authorities. 

Alongside R&W Group members, we have submitted letters to the Government on Global Plastics Treaty negotiations, and have been working with officals in Defra to influence the mandate for greater ambitions in the reuse space. The Group continue to campaign on getting DRS & pEPR over the line and will be working with officals to ensure environmental voices have a seat at the table. 

Over the coming months, we will be focusing on: 

  • Setting up a Joint Circular Economy Unit 
  • Chemicals & Waste
  • Creating consensus on fishing gear 

For further information, contact Link's Resources and Waste Senior Policy Officer, Cassie Rist at 

Last updated: August 2024

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