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Nature Policy

The Nature Policy Working Group discusses and develop Link’s policy positions on sites, species, and the content and implementation of the Environmental Improvement Plan. This group evolved from the task and finish group established over a year ago to discuss and respond to the Nature Recovery Green Paper consultation.

Link: Emma Clarke, Policy and Advocacy Lead

Update from the Group:

The Nature Policy Working Group discusses and develop Link’s policy positions on sites, species, and the content and implementation of the Environmental Improvement Plan. 

The group will report on Government's progress towards Nature 2030 targets, including 30x30 and the species abundance target, and develop recommendations to meaningfully achieve those targets.

In September 2024, the group published its most recent 30x30 annual progress report, which found that just under 3% of England's land and just under 10% of England's seas are effectively protected for nature.

The group has also published a briefing on how to improve protected landscapes for nature - read more here.

For further information, contact Emma Clarke, Link's Policy and Advocacy Lead.

Last updated: 31 January 2025

Related Documents

November 2020

Link Briefing on 30x30

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